Alumina Systems GmbH

ID del Anuncio:86
Precio del servicio:3D Printing Service
Dirección:Alumina Systems GmbH Bahnhofstr. 43 96257Redwitz a.d.Rodach Germany
Precio:Precio a consultar

The roots of ALUMINA SYSTEMS go back to the Siemens ceramic plant founded 1942 in Redwitz. ALUMINA Systems is producing ca. 400 000 p. a. ceramic-to-metal-joined integrated systems e.g. for thyristors (HVDC – High-Voltage Direct Current transmission), vacuum interruptors and X-ray systems. Using primarily aluminum oxide ceramics and various non-ferrous metals, such as OF Cu (Oxygen-Free copper) or NiCo (nickel-cobalt), soft magneticalloys; NiFe (nickel iron) or stainless steel (1.4301), as connecting agents. As a material connecting technology, both passive and active brazing technique are used. With this, high-strength composites can be produced.They are permanently proof and vacuum-tight in the temperature range from –150 °C up to + 600 °C. The core competencies in connection technology „Metal-ceramic composite“ enables ALUMINA SYSTEMS to open up other fields of applications. These are products such as vacuum feedthroughs (standard program), systems for CO2 lasers and ceramic batteries. Further experience exist in the bonding and shrinking of metal ceramic composites. For serval years ALUMINA SYSTEMS is successfully producing dense 3D-printed Al2O3-ceramic products. In 2019 the company launched its new 3D competence center in Redwitz. End 2019 the worldwide biggest 3D-printer for dense ceramics will be installed at ALUMINA SYSTEMS in Redwitz Germany.


From single prototypes to serial production, ALUMINA SYSTEMS offers their customers the full range of customized solutions made by a innovative mid-sized company. We offer 3D-printed dense ceramic parts up to 500x500 mm. ALUMINA SYSTEMS stands as technology partner in the range of the metal-ceramic adding technology for electrical applications in: • Vacuum systems

Medical systems

Laser systems

Measuring and sensor engineering

Energy technology

3D-printing of ceramic components

X-ray systems

FEA-added Product Development (FEA: Finite Element Analysis).


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    • 3d printing service
  • Precio a consultar
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Alumina Systems GmbH

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