Azul 3D, Inc.

ID del Anuncio:93
Precio del servicio:3D Printing Service
Dirección:Azul 3D, Inc. Saint Louis Ave, Suite 2 60076Skokie United States
Precio:Precio a consultar

Azul 3D (TM) is a leading-edge 3D printing company that is transforming the additive manufacturing industry. Initially invented and developed at Northwestern University, HARP (TM) technology can print 3D structures from a wide palette of materials. The initial printers based upon HARP (TM) are capable of manufacturing parts at production speeds, regardless of size, with a throughput dramatically outpacing its competitors and becoming competitive with injection molding. Azul 3D is enabling manufacturers to transition from prototype to mass-manufacturing on a single, streamlined production platform. In combination with its proprietary industrial-grade materials, it offers the opportunity for just-in-time mass production of diverse, highly customized products.

PRODUCTOS Y SERVICIOS:dlp printer resin harp polymer


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    • 3d printing service
  • Precio a consultar
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Azul 3D, Inc.

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