Mosaic Manufacturing Ltd.

Уникальный номер объявления:194
Тип Сервисов:3D Printers
Адрес:Mosaic Manufacturing Ltd. Spadina Ave, Unit 600 M5V 2K4Toronto Canada
Цена:Цена по требованию

Mosaic Manufacturing is an additive manufacturing technology company, focused on bringing 3D printing to the factory floor. Designed for high-volume 3D printing, Mosaic’s Array automates the 3D printing process to make it scalable, economical, and simple. Array’s Robotic System automates bed changing, material switching, and file management in order to increase throughput potential while reducing the cost of a 3D printed part by up to 95%. By removing user touchpoints in the printing process, Array allows one operator to run the equivalent of approximately 250 3D printers. Powered by Mosaic’s Element 3D printer systems, Array allows users to print in materials ranging from professional materials including ABS / CF Nylon, to high-temperature materials including PEEK, PEKK, and Ultem.

Товары и услуги:Промышленный дизайн Инжиниринг и проектирование деталей Нитей Погрузочно-разгрузочные работы и хранение материалов Прочие системы и машины Прототипирования

Тип сделки:Продам

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    • 3d printers
  • Цена по требованию
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Mosaic Manufacturing Ltd.

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