Liqtra GmbH

Уникальный номер объявления:181
Тип Сервисов:3D Printers
Адрес:Liqtra GmbH Hein-Saß-Stieg 4 21129Hamburg Germany
Цена:Цена по требованию

Liqtra GmbH offers innovative hard- and software for industrial 3D printing with polymers for a highly efficient production process with intuitive usability. In our multi-nozzle technology, we offer the fastest extrusion-based 3D printing process in the market. Variable parallel extrusion improves productivity by 300 percent with increased strength of up to 37 percent and higher reproduction accuracy. This makes 3D printing more economical in existing areas of application and enables the entry into new areas that were not available in the past due to long process times. In addition, with our valve nozzle technology, we process cost-effective polymer pellets, also based on recycling material, in high quality, even at high process speeds. The combination of the two technologies enables the economical small series production of technical polymer parts in 3D printing.

Товары и услуги:Engineering and part design Research and development (R&D) Polymers Filaments Pellets Material extrusion Digitization and software Engineering Production of components and assemblies Prototyping

Тип сделки:Продам

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    • 3d printers
  • Цена по требованию
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Liqtra GmbH

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