Incus GmbH

ID del Anuncio:162
Precio del servicio:3D Printing Service
Dirección:Incus GmbH Christine-Touaillon-Straße 1220Wien Austria
Precio:Precio a consultar

Incus GmbH provides an innovative solution for the additive manufacturing of high-performance metals and offers a novel 3D printing process to the growing market of metal injection molding (MIM). The Lithography-based Metal Manufacturing (LMM) process developed by Incus offers an economic method for prototyping and the small- to mid-scale production of components in MIM quality. The system offered by Incus can be integrated into existing MIM production lines or R&D departments, since the same post processing equipment can be used. LMM is most applicable for the manufacturing of functional prototypes and pre-series manufacturing, as well as for the production of smaller lot sizes (< 5000).

PRODUCTOS Y SERVICIOS:Ingeniería y diseño de piezas Metales Pastas Fotopolimerización Ingeniería Prototipado


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    • 3d printing service
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Incus GmbH

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