Adresse:CMS S.p.A Via Locatelli 24019Zogno Italy
Preis:Preis auf Fragen

High speed and best-in-class accuracy 5-axis CNC machines for composites, aluminum, metal and Hybrid system for additive manufacturing and milling​

CMS Advanced Materials Technology is a leader in the field of numerically controlled machining centers for the working of advanced materials: composites, carbon fibre, aluminum, light alloys, metal and Hybrid system for additive manufacturing and milling . Substantial investiments in research and development have allowed the brand to always be on the forefront of cutting-edge design, with machines that ensure best-in-class performance in terms of accuracy, speed of execution, and reliability; meeting the needs of customers operating in the most demanding divisions. Since the early 2000’s, CMS Advanced Materials Technology has established itself as a technology partner in areas of excellence such as aerospace, aviation, automotive, race boating, Formula 1, and the most advanced railway industry.

Our product groups

Material extrusion

PRODUKTE UND DIENSTLEISTUNGEN:Additive FertigungHybridsystemeCNC-MaschinenAdditive Fertigung und Fräsen


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    • 3d-materialien
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