Covestro Additive Manufacturing

Listing ID:111
Services type:3D Materials
Address:Covestro Additive Manufacturing Kaiser-Wilhelm-Allee 51373Leverkusen Germany
Price:Price on asking

Covestro Additive Manufacturing (including former DSM Additive Manufacturing business) wants to unlock the full potential of additive manufacturing by expanding the number of materials for high-performing features in finished parts. By collaborating with other pioneers across industry sectors and value chains, we work to enable industrial additive manufacturing, as one of the roads to bring the Circular Economy forward. Our solutions encompass materials for all major technologies in the field of 3D printing, software tools as well as application support for manufacturers to adopt additive manufacturing to change the way they design and manufacture products.

Our product groups

Engineering and part design







Fibre-reinforced materials

PRODUCTS AND SERVICES:polymer materialspolymer materialienapplication solutionsanwendungslösungenfunctional materials


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    • 3d materials
  • Price on asking
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Covestro Additive Manufacturing

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