Meteor Inkjet Ltd

Уникальный номер объявления:190
Тип Сервисов:3D Software
Адрес:Royston Road CB227GGCambridge Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Цена:Цена по требованию

Meteor is the leading independent supplier of industrial inkjet electronics, software, tools and services for technically complex functional and 3D print systems. Providing products with a host of features backed by responsive, world-wide support, Meteor is the first choice for ease of integration and unsurpassed system performance.

Meteor helps 3D inkjet printer manufacturers and integrators  harness the power of inkjet for innovative additive manufacturing applications by radically simplifying the path from development to production.

Inkjet 3D printing is the most flexible of all additive manufacturing technologies. From plastic, ceramic and robust metal components to co-moulded parts fabricated from multiple materials, including cutting edge “functional” printing of electronic systems, the ability to create radical new products is helping to drive 3D printing adoption. Meteor’s solutions allow printer manufacturers to focus on materials and applications, rather than be distracted by the implementation of specialist inkjet technology, significantly reducing development risk and time to market. 

Товары и услуги:Исследования и разработки (НИОКР) Анализ материалов Различные системы и машины Решения для струйной обработки материалов для автоматизированного производства Оптимизация производственных процессов Программное обеспечение для измерения и анализа Различные технологии производства

Тип сделки:Продам

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Meteor Inkjet Ltd

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