Lukasiewicz Research Network - Institute of Non-Ferrous Metals

Уникальный номер объявления:183
Тип Сервисов:решения для аддитивного производства
Адрес:Lukasiewicz Research Network - Institute of Non-Ferrous Metals Sowinskiego 44-100Gliwice Poland
Цена:Цена по требованию

Expertise, research and high-end equipment for knowledge-based innovative business.

Many years of expertise in foundry, copper and copper alloys processing, an engaged team of researchers as well as high-end research infrastructure and lab equipment make us a perfect partner for innovative and knowledge-based business.

Łukasiewicz Research Network - Institute of Non-Ferrous Metals is a research centre of the Polish non-ferrous industry. Our know-how gained through international projects and challenges covers:

development of Wire&Arc Additive Manufacturing (WAAM) processes,

designing chemical composition of new copper alloys,

development of production technologies.

We carry out research on:

1. Cu-based alloys for WAAM purposes and materials investigations.

2. Production technology of feedstock materials for WAAM.

3. Production technology of spherical powders using:

gas atomisation,

plasma sferoidization,

plasma atomisation of wires to produce spherical powders (stainless steel, cooper-based alloys, nickel-based alloys) and ceramic powders, such as: aluminum oxide, cermetal powders - Cr2C3/NiCr.

4. Production technology of metallic catalyst supports.

5. Production technology of magnetic elements.

6. Design and manufacture processes of 3D objects (such as water turbine propellers, seawater pump elements) using Wire Arc Additive Manufacturing (WAAM) technology.

7. Optimisation of Wire Arc Additive Manufacturing processes at a laboratory scale.

One of our most recent challenges related to 3D printing was an international project within the EU Framework “Material-efficient Cu wire-based 3D printing technology”. The project resulted in a ready-to-implement 3DMP® technology with adjusted parameters for printing elements operating in marine environments. For more information please visit the website

Besides 3D technologies for future, the Institute undertakes complex activities that cover all stages of metallic materials production: from ore treatment to manufacturing technologies of modern products. The R&D services are industry-oriented and aimed at development of new technologies, optimisation of industrial processes, modernisation of production lines, construction of equipment, measurement and analytical services.

Many of the developed solutions became implemented in small and medium enterprises, non only in non-ferrous industry, but also in other branches.

Our customers are provided with access to the newest technologies, modern laboratories and high capacity pilot installations.

Товары и услуги:Промышленный дизайн Инжиниринг и дизайн деталей Защита интеллектуальной собственности для технологий и программного обеспечения Исследования и разработки (НИОКР) Металлы Порошки Провода Разное Анализ материалов Разные технологии производства
Телефон владельца:Показать телефон

Тип сделки:Продам

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roll up l.pdf
Общая информация
    • Решения для аддитивного производства
  • Цена по требованию
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Lukasiewicz Research Network - Institute of Non-Ferrous Metals

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