Hochschule Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences

Уникальный номер объявления:156
Тип Сервисов:Научные исследования и разработки (НИР)
Адрес:Hochschule Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences Haardtring 100 64295Darmstadt Germany
Цена:Цена по требованию

The Institute for Plastics Technology Darmstadt (ikd) is a scientific institution of the Department of Mechanical and Plastics Engineering.

The task and goal of the institute is the interlocking of research and development with study and teaching in the field of plastics technology at Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences.

Research as well as scientific foundation and further development of teaching and studies in the field of plastics engineering are priority tasks. The institute supports and coordinates research and development tasks of its members and maintains contact with companies, associations, authorities and other university institutions in the field of plastics technology.

The institute develops and operates offers of professional further education in the field of its core competence for scientific deepening and supplementation of professional practical experience.

The organs of the institute are the institute management, the institute council and an institute advisory board.

Тип сделки:Продам

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Общая информация
    • Научные исследования и разработки (нир)
  • Цена по требованию
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Hochschule Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences

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