ID del Anuncio:188
Precio del servicio:Soluciones para el tratamiento de superficies
Dirección: Moscú, METALIZZ SAS Sortie Autoroute A7 26270Loriol Sur Drome France
Precio:Precio a consultar

Are you looking for innovative post-processing solutions for plastic materials? Automated, simple to implement and eco-friendly? You've come to the right place! Specialized in the design and manufacture of post-processing equipment for 3D printing, Metalizz offers a range of processes to enhance your designs. Our mission? To make things easier for you.

Cleaning & decontamination

Smoothing of surface

Chemical metallization

Organic coloured finishing

From design to post-production, our experienced team will be able to advise you in the choice of the most suitable solutions.

PRODUCTOS Y SERVICIOS:post processing additive manufacturingsmoothing 3d printed plastics partscleaning 3d printed plastics partsmetalizzation 3d printed plastics partsdyeing 3d printed plastics parts
Propietario del teléfono:Número de teléfono


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  • Moscú
    • Soluciones para el tratamiento de superficies
  • Precio a consultar
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