Maschinenfabrik Berthold Hermle AG

ID del Anuncio:154
Precio del servicio:3D Printers
Dirección:Maschinenfabrik Berthold Hermle AG Industriestr. 8-12 78559Gosheim Germany
Precio:Precio a consultar

The Maschinenfabrik Berthold Hermle AG is a well known company with a leading position in national and international markets.

Continuous innovations have made Hermle a leading manufacturer of machining centres. More than 27.000 users throughout the world trust Hermle machining centres.

A close-knit sales and service network guarantees a reliable partner on-site in all important countries of the world. Hermle machines are produced in Southwestern Germanyin a region which has been the home of precision mechanics and machine tools for many generations.

Many tasks - one solution: Hermle machining centres

Hermle's machining centres are used for efficient machining of tools, moulds and series-produced parts. Owing to their quality and high precision, they are used in numerous production areas, including in particular highly demanding sectors such as medical technology, machine construction, the optical industry, aviation, the automotive and car racing industries and their subcontractors.


Hermle Maschinenbau GmbH, located at Ottobrunn near Munich, is a subsidiary of the Maschinenfabrik Berthold Hermle AG. The company’s main focus: Basic research and development of new technologies in the field of additive manufacturing.

We have also been providing comprehensive manufacturing capability exclusively to Hermle customers for several years, allowing them access to our patented MPA technique for the production of components, including large dimensions.


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    • 3d printers
  • Precio a consultar
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Maschinenfabrik Berthold Hermle AG

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