
ID del Anuncio:184
Precio del servicio:Servicios de diseño 3D o desarrollo de productos
Dirección:MaCh3D Viale Duca Alessandro 42 43123Parma Italy
Precio:Precio a consultar

For Additive Manufacturing market players at any stage, and in general for whom transforms daily raw materials into final products, MaCh3D is a Smart Material Testing platform made of (i) an innovative hardware of extermely compact size, (ii) an easy, safer and accurate testing procedure, and (iii) a cloud platform with a centralized dashboard for tests data repository and materials intelligence.

Easier, Safer and Faster Material Testing is today possible directly at manufacturing floor thanks to MaCh3D solution.

MaCh3D Smart Material Testing will empower trust in Additive Manufacturing fostering new applications and accelerating process and materials innovation.

MaCh3D, (r)Evolution in Material Testing.

PRODUCTOS Y SERVICIOS:Engineering and part design Optimization services Simulation Research and development (R&D) Material analysis Component and process qualification Production metrology Process monitoring Miscellaneous metrology Try-out and component testing


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