Impact Innovations GmbH

ID del Anuncio:161
Precio del servicio:soluciones para la fabricación aditiva
Dirección:Impact Innovations GmbH Bürgermeister-Steinberger-Ring 84431Rattenkirchen Germany
Precio:Precio a consultar

Impact Innovations is the global technology leader for industrial Cold Spray technologies.

Founded in 2010 and located in Germany the company is a pioneer and innovator for customized solutions in cold spray, an innovative technology for metall coatings and additive manufacturing. lmpact Innovations offers a wide portfolio of services and products starting frm fundamental research and R&D services to commercial equipment recognized in production by leading companies in the field of advanced technologies.

Find further information about us and our products at:


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Información general
    • Soluciones para la fabricación aditiva
  • Precio a consultar
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Impact Innovations GmbH

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