ID del Anuncio:143
Precio del servicio:3D Printers
Dirección:GEFERTEC GmbH Schwarze-Pumpe-Weg 16 12681Berlin Germany
Precio:Precio a consultar

GEFERTEC offers comprehensive production system for 3D printing of large metal component by  Wire-Arc-Additive-Manufacturing (WAAM). Therefor the traditional gas metal arc welding is combined with specific WAAM process expertise, a robust machine system, integrative CAM software and process-related quality assurance. The process robustness, its very high build rates (up to 5kg/h), low investment costs and economic and easing to handle wire as a feedstock make the technology interesting for various applications in Oil&Gas, Energy, Heavy Equipment, Transportation and other industries. In addition, WAAM production is more resource-efficient and sustainable due to significantly lower material consumption.
Besides production systems GEFERTEC offers holistic development of customer applications in WAAM and prototype production at its Berlin based Application Center


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    • 3d printers
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