Cubicure GmbH

ID del Anuncio:114
Precio del servicio:3D Printers
Dirección:Cubicure GmbH Gutheil-Schoder-Gasse 1230Wien Austria
Precio:Precio a consultar

Cubicure GmbH develops, produces and distributes industrial 3D printing solutions for polymer parts. With roots in academia and the ambition to help shape the digital future of manufacturing, this Vienna-based company has been setting the course for agile production since 2015. Their Hot Lithography process enables the unprecedented additive manufacturing of resilient high-precision components.

PRODUCTOS Y SERVICIOS:cubicure3d druckhot lithographyhochleistungskunststoffanlagenkonzepte


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    • 3d printers
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Cubicure GmbH

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