Hessen Trade & Invest GmbH

Servicetyp:3D Printers
Adresse:Hessen Trade & Invest GmbH Konradinerallee 65189Wiesbaden Germany
Preis:Preis auf Fragen

Inform, advise, connect: Technologieland Hessen is committed to supporting companies in their efforts to develop pioneering innovations. In unlocking economic potential and promoting stellar technological achievements, we are able to raise Hessen's profile as a compelling location for technology and innovation. The Technologieland Hessen brand is managed by Hessen Trade & Invest GmbH on behalf of the Hessian Ministry of Economics, Energy, Transport and Housing.

In the innovation field of Material Technologies, we support local market players in the development, production and application of innovative materials. In this diverse and wide-ranging field, the focus is particularly on sustainable materials, functional materials and manufacturing processes.


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    • 3d printers
  • Preis auf Fragen
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