Bruker AXS GmbH

Servicetyp:lösungen für die additive Fertigung
Adresse:Bruker AXS GmbH Östliche Rheinbrückenstr. 76187Karlsruhe Germany
Preis:Preis auf Fragen

Bruker develops and manufactures instruments for structural and elemental analysis in materials research, life science and quality control. Our solutions cover bulk material and surface sensitive X-Ray Diffraction (XRD), biological and chemical crystallography, wavelength and energy dispersive X-Ray Fluorescence (XRF) analysis, 3D X-Ray Microscopy (XRM), Optical Emission Spectroscopy (OES), and combustion and fusion gas analysis.Bruker systems emphasize modularity and flexibility. We offer the widest available variety of sources, optics, sample environments and detectors, along with expert advice on configuring the optimal system. Entry-level system can be reconfigured or upgraded to meet changing requirements.Our solutions are easy to operate using TouchControl and one-button automation. We build robust and compact instruments for harsh environments. Professional training and worldwide service is in place to support our customers.

PRODUKTE UND DIENSTLEISTUNGEN:computed tomography - computertomographiex-ray microscopy - röntgenmikroskopieanalysis - analyseanalysis - analysedefect - defekt, lunker


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    • Lösungen für die additive fertigung
  • Preis auf Fragen
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Bruker AXS GmbH

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